Saturday, March 8, 2008

Happy Women's Day

Hello Ladies,

Happy Womens day to each one of you. With 364 days marked as non womens day (== Men's days??), we get this one day to stop and think where our lives are headed towards. Thinking about where I am headed is filled with uncertainintiy but I am loving it. Being my own king (ouch!! I mean my own queen) is good. Doing the little things that I always wanted to do is great.

Coming back to the topic I donno if womans day means Man Vs Woman, can woman do what men do and vice versa. I strongly belive that men and women can "almost" do what the other gender can can take care of babies, they can cook...women can be the bread winner of a family. Ofcourse a lot of conditioning and acceptance from the society is important and hope these spl days bring about those changes required.

Every family has n things to do to keep them together warm & cosy. If the man and the woman dont agree to the n things and how, who will get these done then there is no family. No peace and all trouble starts. As they say charity begins at home I also think war & peace begin at home.

Ok...enuf of gyaan,,, I wud have loved to have a get together and a lunch or dinner with you guys...lets plan it better next time..happy womens day to Joyish, g3, r1, su, diya's mom, sooraj's mom, nisha's mom, mil, paddhu, muthu and all other ladies who I have met and not met.



Uma said...

Happy womens' day to Adi's mom!

Wish u all the success in your effort of becoming the queen of your kingdom!!(a woman enterprenur)

Unknown said...

Oh, there is a woman's day! I did not know that until now.. Hmm..I sure missed an opportunity to get a gift.. It's ok , I guess, I can still nag my better half to get a belated gift!