Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wanning innocence

Aadi's feedback at school has been "well mannered, well behaved, silent kid"...I sure the feedback will change this year. In general mothers complain about their naughty and I have been upset that aadi has not been naughty. In the last one year things have been changing. I can see aadi is silent but still a naughty kid.

Some of his words continue to make me laugh...and I have been hearing quite a few these days. Todays quotes,
1. hulla hup - Planet black hole
2. Zebra crossing - why zebra crosses the road (with a wink)
3. I want to do an experiment - Throws his dart on the rotating ceiling fan.
4. XABWE... - reading the whole cross word when I asked him to read every word, to prepare for the test and has a hearty laugh.

it feels great to see him this way :)

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