Sunday, October 19, 2008

LalBagh Green Express

After a long time, I decided I need to let loose and relax. I needed to get out of my house badly. Everyday is a nightmare for me these days. Morning, tiff with my cook & maid. Then yelling at aadi or mahesha or my grandma. The falling Sensex scare. Damn it, I chose a really wrong time to quit a regular income job. With things not going my way at work, stress has become too much for me and my family.

I had a perfect opportunity to get out of the house today, thanks to some kids B'day party. After the good lunch, Mahesha suggested we go to Gopalan Mall. Since i was not ready to get into another cycle of depression as I forgot my cc at home, I said no to Gopalan Mall and we went to Lalbagh, the dream destination of r1. As we entered the gardens, I saw a nice green house kind of place and a golf cart. I checked and it was a tour around lalbagh for 100 rupees per head for adults and 50 per kid.

I asked Mahesha if he was ok to spend 250 rupees and he readily agreed. We got onto to the golf cart and they took us around the garden for about half hour (The promise was 45 minutes - since no phiranghees were there, I am sure they made our trip short and sweet). I loved the trip. It was the first time I saw the whole of Lalbagh. I never knew there was a lake in there. The rain made the trip even better. Finally, we shopped a Tulsi for my self and aadi got his next pet, a cactus plant (hoping it will be low maintenance, with all the fish dead as of last week, I needed a more easy to maintain pet . 5 அறிவு ஜீவன் to ஓர் அறிவு ஜீவன்...Donno if this is progress).

After the good ride at Lalbagh I continued my retail therapy at Crossword. Picked up 3 books for myself and couple of books and other stuff for aadi. Ended the day at office, picking my personal stuff. Dint hurt much.

The sad thing is I know what I don't want to do. But, donno what to do. what I want to do is verrrry what should I be doing ????? May be just get practical and get back to a 9 to 6 job. Hmmm with the slump, even that seems to be difficult.

1 comment:

bhuvana said...

Dear nlatha,

It is not only the greenery of lalbagh but what it means to the different classes of people that visit it. Joggers, gossip loving seniors, lovers, childrent who come to visit the flower shows, parents who come to connect with their children, out station tourists etc - I have been there a thousand times but what amazes me is how well they have maintained that place and how every time i see something new - like the birds in the evening, a new rose with a shade of purple/black, huge fishes etc. Hope it remains for our next generations to enjoy.
