Monday, October 20, 2008

Q without U

Myself and friend of mine were having a discussion about Q words in English and how Q is always followed by U. My 6 year old has started on multi syllabal words this year and remembering spellings was very important. So i told about Q and U being friends and how Q needs a U always in english words. He was so thrilled to know this fact.

After many days, today he remembered this again and started quizzing his visiting grandpa about Q and U....My father thought about it for a while and they both could not find any meaningful English words were q was without u. My father gave him an explanation that Q was a consonant and it needed a vowel u in its words. My brilliant son asked why not a, e, i , o? I jumped in and said Q has a u sound at the end so the best suitable vowel is u.

He was not fully convinced but accepted the explanation. when my father said Q needs U to survive...he was quite amused. He asked, " Without U will Q die? No U No Q?" It is a pleasure to see such innocent questions asked at the face value of words...and I myself donno why Q cant survive without U.

Something I found on wikipedia on words with Q but no U.

1 comment:

Rita Parikh said...

you and your curious self .... this is one great thing I have learned about you over the past few months ... you might GOOGLE almost anything you hear :)