Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The right to talk....

When ever I see an American movie, one thing that catches my attention is the rights that are read out when someone is arrested. The right to remain silent. In India one of the fundamental rights is right to talk / express our opinion.

As a kid when I had a fight with a classmate the right I always exercised is the "right to remain silent". And in my eyes the other party looses their right "to express their opinion". It has continued till date. If some one has hurt me, then the first right they loose is the right to speak with me, until they have apologised for what they have done.

As we grow up, relationships become more complicated and does not come in vanilla flavour, and these rules change. But, it hurts , it hurts when some one thinks they have all the liberty to talk, when they have hurt me with their silence in the first place. Not only talk but further hurt my sentiments.

hmmm.... thinking hard on how do I break this chain?

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