Thursday, December 4, 2008

Media ....

I have been watching a lot of TV since last week. For the first time I know all the news channel numbers, though they are not stored in my favourites list I can quickly browse from one news channel to another. I have watched Times Now, CNN IBN, NDTV, UTVi, Udaya varthegalu and the business news channels as well.

I have been always amused at the Jargons we use in the IT industry and used to wonder if this was unique to us. But the way the media covered the unfortunate incidents of last week, I saw them competing with each other to give a unique phrase to what was happening out there. I did feel like saying 'enough of this' to the Media folks. I was flipping to BBC every once in a while to see an outsider view. Though I felt BBC was more biased towards our neighbour, their stories were of much better quality. The host had better control on his interviews and discussions.

Guess our folks are still in maturity level 2/level 3 !! Long way before reaching level 5.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Seen the photoes and they are nice.