Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Dreams.. My life...

I had a nice long chat with a good friend of mine yesterday. It is helping me chase my dream to be a entrepreneur , I want to refine my dream and say I want to be a successful entrepreneur one day. I know I have to start today. Stop fearing and start doing. It is not like I am sure if i have is right big idea that I should chase, will I have the right set of people to support me etc. The last three to four months there have been lot of ideas that have been floating.

But, finding this site on start up cleared a lot of things for me mentally is another good one. I am sure I want to be a entrepreneur and also a successful one.

I would prefer to attempt climbing this mountain than just being a salaried IT professional. Hope god, family and my friends are with me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

".. Will I have the right set of people to support me?"

That's the question that we have been hoping to answer with a sure YES, by The entire idea is to build a community of people who can nurture startups. and yes It will happen. I will give you a Definite YES within a years time.

It's good to see people starting out. If you need any help, do feel free to ping me.
