Friday, February 1, 2008

So far so good

1st day at home. Been busy till now! Finished running around errands, did some gossiping and a bit of browsing.... Not been bored yet :).

I can see loads of work staring at me. Never knew that some parts existed in my tiny apartment...the book shelf is intimidating with all that dust it has gathered over years. So are the cupboards of aadi, mahesha and mine. We have managed to gather so much junk I donno if I can clear them in this life. To top it my weighing scale is saying run latha is wealth and I have never lived up to it. My son has decided it is holiday for the baby sitter. He wants 150% attn....Its not just him but a whole lot of people have just discovered my existence and they need my presence in all the big and small things that are underway in their life!
Goodbye solitude welcome socialization.


bhuvana said...

Dear nlatha,

after a hectic 10 years this is a good and welcome break for you to focus on your self and your family. Being a perfectionalist i am sure the books will be in order and the dust long forgotten and adhi thouroughly spoilt :-) very soon.


Unknown said...


People were always there around you. The difference is you are noticing them now... Good for you. Keep it up!