Friday, February 22, 2008

Athelitics and my friends

Ladies...was thinking about each one of you and I feel you are all the best athletes...

r1 - You run great relay with a baton in your hand. You can make the team win...You inspire and take inspiration from a fellow runner.

Su - You are the best at hurdles. The "Hurdles" make you run faster in reaching the goal.

Dear g3 - You are fantastic at decathlon. Home, office, and socialization who can manage better than you? You are a great inspiration.

Diya's Mom - Excellent at Javelin. Long shots thrown on the mark perfectly...Seen you do this during our MBA days. Also, a perfect coach..a great people person.

Finally me :)...Great at 100 meters. Short burst of energy. But the problem is I have a big starting trouble. Need all you guys to push me to run the race and I am happy that you guys do this often enuf to keep me going.

We make a great TEAM.


sathish said...

One can't take the office out of a girl! :)

Latha said...

hey old habits die hard and also some are engraved in can't erase it :)