Thursday, October 1, 2020

Monsters in the Red roof tiles.....

As a child I never knew about the monster under the bed thing...As my dad was away on work, most of the time it was mom, grad mom, sis, bro and me at home and we all slept together... and many times these were nice mats and sheets on the floor. I think I always got to sleep in the middle. 

 So what was my monster? I knew where they were. It was not one but a family of monsters indeed. And every night I prayed they don't crawl up to the portion of the wooden beam on top of where I slept!! Those monsters were dark, ugly and then I was sure they will attack me right on my face when I sleep. 

What amused me is when one of the monsters lost their tail, one day. That's when I learnt lizards have this amazing capability to let go of their tail for the prey or the predator and grow them back. Ofcourse this little fact did not magically make me feel my monsters as my buddies. To this date I cannot stand a lizard anywhere near me. 

But nature is amazing isnt it!

1 comment:

RP Mohapatra said...

Nice tale! I can't stand lizards either :) brrr ... Wiggly tail left behind is indeed amazing.

The ending felt like an appetizer for more...