I guess my Mom was wishing that when I grew up I would be one of those slim and trim ones and named me Latha (which means a vine - dont like the word creeper :) ). Any Tamil poet would use the phrase Kodi idayaal , a lady with waist as thin as a creeper, to describe the beauty of a woman’s waist. I donno what is the equivalent for barrel waist... thatz where I am today. My son made me feel my barrel waist all the more last evening.
With his Karate master asking him to do some Yago posture it was time for me to show off how good I was in yoga...With padmasana still possible I thought I can try the tougher one which my son wanted a demo...I had to lift my legs, hips and touch the ground using my toes (I don’t remember the asana name). Well I was cool till I lifted my legs...then came the qn...where is my waist? how do I lift the mootai (the bundle)... all the tyres were popping out...so was my ego...
trial 1 - failure...but various parts of my muscle ( fat ??) started pulling...then started trail 2...this time I figured out were was my erstwhile kodi idai...and started to lift....I started hearing some strange sound...My son was trying to pull my legs over my head...poor guy trying to help mamma w/o realising what was running in my head and what was refusing to even move ....trial 3 all thoughts got cleared...
Trail 4....mustered all strength and bingo my big toe from my rt leg touched the ground...I guess I technically succeeded for a fraction of a second...I guess this shows I can be determined and do enuf to keep my ego from hurting....
But, this morning I realised what all I had hurt...I have decided no walking for next one week...guess time to visit Talwalkars..need some company though...
Su will you?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Jodha Akbar - conversation with a 6 year old
Q: Amma why is Kirsh sitting with his knees folded and not cross legged
A: He is doing yoga and exercising.
Q: amma why aishwarya is angry with Krish
A: Because he fights
Q: Amma why are they in tents are they camping, why are they not in palace
A: The palace is far. So today they will sleep in tent.
Q: Why is aishwarya crying
A: Her father asked her to marry and go with Hrithik. She wants to be with her amma so she is crying.
Q: why is the movie soooo long
A: It is a story of kings and queens from olden days so it is long
Q: Amma why is Kirsh still sitting with his knees folded and not cross legged
A: He doesnt know how to sit crossed legged his mom dint teach him
Q: why is aishwarya still angry with krish
A: he is still fighting
Q: amma is aishwarya a baby, krish is kissing her on the forehead
A: No she is not a baby, but she is crazy, so she is like a baby
Q: why there are no more fights
A: They are saving the big fight for the end
Q: Is the movie over, what time is it
A: its going to be 2 am
I cant get up early tomorrow dont wake me early...papa I cant walk please carry me home I am very tired...
A: He is doing yoga and exercising.
Q: amma why aishwarya is angry with Krish
A: Because he fights
Q: Amma why are they in tents are they camping, why are they not in palace
A: The palace is far. So today they will sleep in tent.
Q: Why is aishwarya crying
A: Her father asked her to marry and go with Hrithik. She wants to be with her amma so she is crying.
Q: why is the movie soooo long
A: It is a story of kings and queens from olden days so it is long
Q: Amma why is Kirsh still sitting with his knees folded and not cross legged
A: He doesnt know how to sit crossed legged his mom dint teach him
Q: why is aishwarya still angry with krish
A: he is still fighting
Q: amma is aishwarya a baby, krish is kissing her on the forehead
A: No she is not a baby, but she is crazy, so she is like a baby
Q: why there are no more fights
A: They are saving the big fight for the end
Q: Is the movie over, what time is it
A: its going to be 2 am
I cant get up early tomorrow dont wake me early...papa I cant walk please carry me home I am very tired...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Athelitics and my friends
Ladies...was thinking about each one of you and I feel you are all the best athletes...
r1 - You run great relay with a baton in your hand. You can make the team win...You inspire and take inspiration from a fellow runner.
Su - You are the best at hurdles. The "Hurdles" make you run faster in reaching the goal.
Dear g3 - You are fantastic at decathlon. Home, office, and socialization who can manage better than you? You are a great inspiration.
Diya's Mom - Excellent at Javelin. Long shots thrown on the mark perfectly...Seen you do this during our MBA days. Also, a perfect coach..a great people person.
Finally me :)...Great at 100 meters. Short burst of energy. But the problem is I have a big starting trouble. Need all you guys to push me to run the race and I am happy that you guys do this often enuf to keep me going.
We make a great TEAM.
r1 - You run great relay with a baton in your hand. You can make the team win...You inspire and take inspiration from a fellow runner.
Su - You are the best at hurdles. The "Hurdles" make you run faster in reaching the goal.
Dear g3 - You are fantastic at decathlon. Home, office, and socialization who can manage better than you? You are a great inspiration.
Diya's Mom - Excellent at Javelin. Long shots thrown on the mark perfectly...Seen you do this during our MBA days. Also, a perfect coach..a great people person.
Finally me :)...Great at 100 meters. Short burst of energy. But the problem is I have a big starting trouble. Need all you guys to push me to run the race and I am happy that you guys do this often enuf to keep me going.
We make a great TEAM.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
What an idea!
I have heard a lot about friendship blooming over the net. I wondered how far it can go....Well it can happen even between a 3 year old and a 6 year world. This is the latest friendship my son has found. He has found his best buddy on the net. She also agrees he is her best buddy.
Well they not exactly 'found' the friendship on the net, but the frindship is definelty nurtured by the net. Thanks to the innovative chat center yahoo. Its either tic-tac-toe time or indic audible play time. Who needs to know how to spell HI and BYE.
My son is putting pressure to buy a broad band plan so he can just talk and not go click click on the audibles...Webcam another great invention....just 1 click and the buddies can see each other and feel at home together....
I think this is great..I would love to start a chat center for kids to find net buddies...membership strictly for children below 10. what an idea!
Well they not exactly 'found' the friendship on the net, but the frindship is definelty nurtured by the net. Thanks to the innovative chat center yahoo. Its either tic-tac-toe time or indic audible play time. Who needs to know how to spell HI and BYE.
My son is putting pressure to buy a broad band plan so he can just talk and not go click click on the audibles...Webcam another great invention....just 1 click and the buddies can see each other and feel at home together....
I think this is great..I would love to start a chat center for kids to find net buddies...membership strictly for children below 10. what an idea!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Mr and Mrs Bridge
I love watching movies on TV. My fav channels include HBO, Star movies, Sony Pix, Zee movies and channels where I get to watch English sitcoms and ofcourse, news channels and other channels like dicovery. For some reason I prefer these channels to regional ones. I have nothing against them its just that my preferences ....
I chanced on this movie last night and found it quite intresting. The movie shows the emotions of Mr and Mrs Bridge, to the ways their 2 daughters and only son adopt the new ways of life. Adopting unconventional profession, marrying a person not from their society, trying to understand "reproduction" and also serving the forces, even when not called for by the Govt.
Though set in 1930s I felt it resembelled a lot of what India and Indian middle class has been going through in the 90s and in the new century. Kids today want to experiment everything and decide for themselves. This includes my 6 year old! Will write all about his latest friendship saga soon :).
Coming back to the topic, I see my parents were just like the Bridges. 2 daughters and a son who gave them tougher times than what you see in the movie. Today we are all (almost) settled in our lives, but still giving them hard time. Guess this is what evolution is...Darwin can you please validate and let us know.
I am sure I am going to be more in shock when my kid grows up....
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Kanjus Makki Choos
That’s my new avatar. I think I am in a phase which is worse than the postnatal depression. I am currently allergic to spending (good for Mahesha).... Any spending which needs more than 2 digits shock me. High voltage hit me yesterday when I saw one small packet of popcorn is Rs.300. I cotton candy is Rs.320. If you like to wield a plastic sword you should shell about Rs.400.
Wow, the last time when I saw the high voltage was when I made my maiden trip to US in 1998. I carried a mental calculator, wherever I went all price tags were INSTANTLY multiplied by 40. A 25 cent chewing gum meant Rs.10. A dollor candy bar from the vending machine looked like Rs.40 overly priced candy bar. And a 8 dollar entrance to a movie ticket looked like Rs.320 movie ticket (This was pre multiplex era) and it was a big NO...I loved watching movies in the friendly neighbourhood Carmike where movies where a dollar (read Rs 40) or utmost dollar and half on weekends (read Rs. 60)....This is something I want call as maiden voyage syndrome. Every software engineer knows that it vanishes from the second trip onwards. In fact it gets converted into retail therapy.
So why am I getting to see this flashback in Bangalore after 10 years. History repeating in my own backyard....well it was this friangee magic show which I got lured due to the Brand name. Little did I realise that the magic show was more stunning outside the venue..
Parent’s purses soon became light and started levitating. Like magic lot of fancy (junk) stuff filled the kids hands. Indeed its one magic show which my son enjoyed both inside and outside the venue. I was such a Kanjoos, in spite of getting free passes, thanks to Diya's mom, I tried to hide my purse - but the magic wand found.
All the stuff were sold in $$ prices. What a way to take back all the money that came from Uncle Sam. It also made me realise what it means to have a single person earning in a family. It also shows how poorly we market PC sarkar and other great shows we have..... We have a long way to go...I have a long way to go before I will shed my latest avatar.
Diya's mom is not helping me :(.
Monday, February 11, 2008
My Baby Octupus
I enjoyed watching you get up early and get ready in your pink and black dress. Was quite impressed when you chased the shark with the blue ink. Felt proud when you were wearing the yellow medal.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Encounter of the other kind

This morning when I woke up, I felt I badly needed some distraction to pump up my energy levels. I needed a sign, an omen to say that my life is not boring but filled with action....and then as if god heard it all, I saw him...
He was alone and his eyes were filled with fright, not knowing if his world was all OK or should he call for help. Both of us starred at each other, both our eyes said “we need help”...we need some one to rescue us from where we were standing...
Then all of a sudden help started arriving - not for me but for him, in loads. Now he started enjoying the whole situation, making it worse for me (now I know what monkey pranks mean), he took the hand towels I had kept for drying and made it a crown for him self. My tulasi plant stood bare, without its leaves; like Tarzan he started climbing the building using the cable wire; my balcony was full of trash.
I started crying for help. Mahesha and Renu came running, we decided we will show we are the mighty ones, soon we were armed with all sorts of stuff we can find – a broom, a cricket bad and everything else we can lay hands on and started our attack; but obviously my forefathers clan dint feel even a bit nervous. Like the vanara sena they grouped and made a ruckus.
We accept defeat today...But I know we will win next time.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Why why why
why does earth rotate?
why is 4 "four", why not "for"?
why can't I fly?
why times goes off ?
why was I born in November?
why there are beggers?
why train cannot go on road?
why do we sleep in night?
I haven't kept track of all Ys I have been hearing and have to censor a few... :)
I also have a Y question,
why cant I find some easy answers to these questions??
why is 4 "four", why not "for"?
why can't I fly?
why times goes off ?
why was I born in November?
why there are beggers?
why train cannot go on road?
why do we sleep in night?
I haven't kept track of all Ys I have been hearing and have to censor a few... :)
I also have a Y question,
why cant I find some easy answers to these questions??
Friday, February 1, 2008
So far so good
1st day at home. Been busy till now! Finished running around errands, did some gossiping and a bit of browsing.... Not been bored yet :).
I can see loads of work staring at me. Never knew that some parts existed in my tiny apartment...the book shelf is intimidating with all that dust it has gathered over years. So are the cupboards of aadi, mahesha and mine. We have managed to gather so much junk I donno if I can clear them in this life. To top it my weighing scale is saying run latha run...health is wealth and I have never lived up to it. My son has decided it is holiday for the baby sitter. He wants 150% attn....Its not just him but a whole lot of people have just discovered my existence and they need my presence in all the big and small things that are underway in their life!
Goodbye solitude welcome socialization.
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